Workouts for Women Over 55 to Lose 3 Lbs Per Week #Women

#Women | Get slim fast using these workouts for women over 55 to lose 3 lbs per week. This weight loss manual can be used in the comfort of your home.
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How to Boost Your Immune System at Home With Mushroom Immunity Complex
#ImmuneSystem | How to boost your immune system at home by taking this mushroom immunity complex. It also protects against viral and bacterial threats.

5 Best Fruits for PCOS Patients
#Fruits | Fruits are antioxidant-rich & vitamin-filled foods everyone should be consuming regularly... when you have PCOS and at a risk for insulin resistance and diabetes? Should you avoid fruits? Not all of them! Here are the 5 best fruits for pcos

The Benefits and Dangers of Walking with Weights
#Benefits | Are there benefits of walking with weights?  Is it dangerous to do it?  Learn how to safely walk with light weights and what equipment you need to do it.

Strengthening Workout for Runners
#Workout | Here’s a simple strengthening workout for runners that you can do at home to help build strength and endurance, and reduce injury risk.


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